The Prayas India- Exam आसान है!
We know that you are in search of not just a coaching, but an institution where you get all your learning needs fulfilled. Here, at The Prayas, we mentor you, guide you with the best strategy, and solve all your doubts that will help you achieve your goal.
We are a team of highly experienced mentors. The Research & Development Team at Prayas continuously works hard for all our students.
We firmly believe in and follow the three steps of preparation:
1. Learn
2. Practice
3. Test
The Prayas study material is extremely comprehensive and very well designed. It is regularly updated by our Research & Development team.
It is imperative to be disciplined to crack competitive exams. Our mentors help aspirants in defining their study time table and strategy.
Instant solution of doubts is our USP. We have several dedicated groups and communities to help aspirants get their doubts solved in real time.
We provide individual progress tracker to every aspirant. It helps the aspirant complete syllabus in defined time frame and builds confidence.
We provide special basic lectures to beginners. Easy-to-understand explanation of important concepts helps them build a strong base.
We connect one-on-one with students who require support from us in their learning. Mentors are always available & ready for support.
Ours is a highly technology-driven platform that meets all the learning needs of aspirants. It simplifies their experience and helps them clear examinations with ease.