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SSC CGL Tier-II Cut Off Comparison with last Year Check now

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SSC CGL Tier-II Cut-Off Comparison with last Year 

To learn more about SSC CGL study resources, free counselling, professional mentors, etc., visit ThePrayasIndia. The SSC CGL Tier-II Cut Off Comparison with last Year is listed below.

SSC CGL Tier 2 Cut Off:

EXAM YEAR 2019-20 2018-19
No. Of Registered Candidates 25,97,000
No. of Appeared Candidates 978103 837000
Overall % of Attendance 32.23%
No. of Candidates Qualified in tier 1 125279 150396
%age of Candidates Qualified 12.80% 17.96%
No. of Vacancies 8,582 11,271
Tier 1 Cut-off for UR
(Except AAO & JSO Posts)
147.78606 137.07
Candidates Qualified for Tier III Exam 43,896 50,240
Tier 1 +Tier II Cut Off
(Except AAO & JSO Posts)
528.38462 433

Cut Off Marks Tier I + Tier II(Paper I+II)For all posts except AAO & JSO

Cut Off Marks Tier I + Tier II(Paper I+II)For all posts except AAO & JSO
2020-21 2019-20 2018-19
UR 433.61707 528.38462 433
OBC 381.12415 478.82303 400.33
SC 331.52437 434.68407 354.74
ST 309.87681 405.12641 327.05
EWS 366.47505 466.42205
OH 287.10506 392.9695 302.5
HH 133.20774 259.90917 165.73
VH 317.48815 422.76404 280.98
ESM 365.98601 255.12
Others-PWD 148.94858 120 122.58

Cut Off Marks Tier I + Tier II(Paper I+II+IV)For AAO Posts

Cut Off Marks Tier I + Tier II(Paper I+II+IV)For AAO Posts
2020-21 2019-20 2018-19
UR 471.35718 517.46992 572.51
OBC 435.94647 456.7965 510.92
SC 369.29454 422.99783 463.15
ST 368.36577 377.74693 460.21
EWS 471.35718 504.58172
OH 388.84705 449.20099 409.26
HH 301.71110 385.70577 347.35
Others-PWD 331.66146 306.932 168.04

Cut Off Marks Tier I + Tier II(Paper I+II+III) For JSO Posts

Cut Off Marks Tier I + Tier II(Paper I+II+III) For JSO Posts
2020-21 2019-20 2018-19
UR 445.23886 488 535.86
OBC 390.93987 423.83991 517.76
SC 319.43087 359.87503 433.95
ST 323.84052 343.80764 403.95
EWS 394.22602 457.4194
OH 372.30742 422.28761 348.5
HH 309.80025 302.89152 223.46
VH 320.64089 267.51
Others-PWD 375.17063 165.04

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