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03 August 2022 – The Indian Express


India Taiwan Relations

Taiwan and Indian foreign policy:

  • India has a clear and consistent strategy toward Taiwan that aims to enhance cooperation in a range of areas, including business, tourism, and investment.
  • The government promotes and makes it easier for people to interact and exchange ideas in the areas of trade, investment, tourism, and culture.
  • Even though there are no formal diplomatic relations between Taiwan and India, there are nevertheless trade and personal exchanges between the two nations.

India-Taiwan relations:

  • Even though they don’t have official diplomatic relations, Taiwan and India have been working together on a number of projects.
  • India has refrained from endorsing the “one-China” policy since 2010.

Taiwan’s importance to India:

  • Taiwan aims to improve ties with a variety of countries.
  • As part of China’s intensified military pressure, Chinese jets have flown numerous missions close to democratic Taiwan, which Beijing claims as its own and hasn’t ruled out militarily annexing.
  • India and Taiwan are celebrating their 25 years of collaboration.
  • Joint efforts between Delhi and Taipei have enabled numerous bilateral agreements in a range of sectors, including agriculture, investment, customs cooperation, civil aviation, industrial cooperation, and others. This changing connection indicates that there has to be a review of India-Taiwan relations.

What needs to be done?

  • Both parties can establish a task force or a team of capable experts to develop a strategy within a set time frame.
  • The time is perfect to foster more cooperation within the healthcare sector.
  • Taiwan may prove to be a valuable ally in addressing this challenge thanks to its biocompatible technologies.

History of relations between Taiwan and China:

  • Due to the Chinese Civil War, which prompted the defeated Kuomintang, or Nationalist, to flee to the island in 1949, China has claimed Taiwan through its “one China” policy and has vowed to seize it, if necessary by force.
  • Despite being self-governing and de facto independent from the mainland, Taiwan has never formally proclaimed its independence.
  • Under the “one nation, two systems” model, Taiwan would be permitted to run its own affairs; a similar arrangement is already in effect in Hong Kong.
  • Currently, China asserts its claim to Taiwan and refuses to establish diplomatic ties with countries that do so.

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