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30 September 2023 – The Hindu


Implementation of NEP 2020


  • During the extraordinary session of Parliament, the Standing Committee on Education of Parliament presented a report titled “Implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP), 2020 in Higher Education.”


  • To develop the study, the panel convened with officials from several State governments, Union Ministries, higher education institutions, and other relevant stakeholders.
  • The research emphasised the role of States in higher education by noting that of the 1,043 universities operating in the nation, 70% are under the State Act, 94% of students attend State or private institutions, and only 6% attend Central universities.

The problems:

  • The panel of 31 people attempted to address a number of issues, including the inflexible division of disciplines, the difficulty of obtaining higher education in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas, the scarcity of higher education institutions (HEIs) that offer instruction in the local tongue, the small number of faculty members, the absence of institutional autonomy, the lack of emphasis on research, the inefficiency of the regulatory framework, and the low quality of undergraduate education.
  • According to the panel, there should be at least one multifunctional HEI in each district of the nation by 2030, and by 2035, the percentage of students enrolled in higher education—including vocational education—should rise from 26.3% in 2018 to 50%.

The suggested actions:

  • The panel requested that the Union Government and the State Governments take the following steps: make appropriate funding available for the education of Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Groups (SEDGs); set specific goals for a higher Gender Enrollment Ratio for SEDGs; improve the gender balance in HEI admissions; provide more financial assistance and scholarships to SEDGs in both public and private HEIs; broaden the curriculum and admissions procedures to make higher education programmes more employability-oriented; and create more degree programmes taught in regional languages and bilingually.
  • The group also suggested stringent enforcement of all anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies, as well as particular infrastructure measures to assist students with physical disabilities.
  • The Committee was pleased with the way the NEP was carried out in Jammu and Kashmir.
  • It claimed that starting with the academic year 2022 at all of its higher education institutions, the Union Territory was among the first in the nation to adopt NEP.
  • The panel reported that it saw a paradigm change in teaching strategies that gave pupils access to chances for lifetime learning.

The resources:

  • The Committee recommended enhancing HEFA’s (Higher Education Financing Agency) efficiency and influence when it comes to HEI funding.
  • It requested that the HEFA look into forming alliances with international financial institutions, philanthropic foundations, and businesses in the private sector in order to diversify its funding sources beyond government grants.
  • It suggested that interest rates on loans made available by HEFA be reviewed and adjusted “to make them more competitive and affordable” for HEIs.

The programme for multiple entry and multiple exit:

  • The panel predicted that when implementing the multiple entry and multiple exit (MEME) system, Indian institutions will probably run into a number of problems.
  • The panel stated that although the MEME appeared to be a versatile system that was successfully implemented by Western educational institutions, it might not function well in the nation.
  • It would be extremely impossible for universities to estimate how many students would leave and how many would join midway if they permitted MEME.
  • The student-teacher ratio will undoubtedly be disrupted since educational institutions wouldn’t be aware of the in- and out-traffic, the research stated.

Way Forward:

  • The paper examined the key elements of the NEP’s implementation in the field of higher education as well as the advancements that have been accomplished thus far.

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