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FCI Assistant Grade III | Paper Pattern

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FCI Assistant Grade III | Paper Pattern

Best Rated Course:

  Paper Pattern – FCI Assistant Grade  III


The online test will comprise Phase-I and Phase-II exams.
The online exam of Phase-I will be common for all the posts. The test structure for the Phase I Online exam is as follows.

Sr. No. Name of the Test Number of Question Maximum Marks Duration (Min.) Version
1 English Language 25 25 15 Min. English
2 Reasoning Ability 25 25 15 Min. Bilingual
3 Numerical Aptitude 25 25 15 Min. Bilingual
4 General Awareness 25 25 15 Min. Bilingual
Total 100 100 60 Min.

In Phase-I of online test, the test will be Objective type (Multiple Choice Questions). Each question will carry an equal mark. For each wrong answer, there will be negative marking of one fourth (1/4) for each question. If the question is no marked by the candidate, then there will be no negative marking for that question.

The marks obtained in Phase-I will NOT be reckoned in final merit ranking.

Phase II

Phase II of the exam will contain Paper I, Paper II, Paper III and the various tests for each post under Phase II are as follows.

Post Post Code Paper Description
J.E. (Civil Engineering) A Paper-I and Paper-II Candidates will appear in Phase 2 Online Test for Paper-I &Paper-II shall be held in single sitting only.


J.E.(Electrical Mechanical Engineering) B Paper-I and Paper-II Candidates will appear in Phase 2 Online Test for Paper-I &Paper-II shall be held in single sitting only.


Steno. Grade- II C Paper-III only Candidates applying for postcode C will have to appear in Paper III. Thereafter the candidates will come under  Skill-Test in typing and shorthand which will be qualifying in nature.


AG-III (General) D Paper-I
Candidates  applying for  the  postcode D  will   have  to appear in Paper-I.


AG-III (Accounts) E Paper-I and Paper-II Candidates who will appear in the Phase 2 Online Test for Paper-I &Paper-II shall be held in a single sitting only.


AG-III (Technical) F Paper-I and Paper-II Candidates who will appear in the Phase 2 Online Test for Paper-I &Paper-II shall be held in a single sitting only.


AG-III (Depot) G Paper-I
Candidates applying for the postcode  G  will have to appear in Paper-I.


AG-III (Hindi) H Paper-I and Paper-II Candidates who will appear in the Postcode H Online Test for Paper-I &Paper-II shall be held in a single sitting only.


The pattern of each Level:

Paper Type No. of Questions and Marks Duration
Paper – I There are 120 Multiple Choice Questions, carrying 1 mark each (Maximum 120 marks).


90 Min.
Post specific Paper-II
(in phase II)
There are 60 Multiple Choice Questions, carrying 2 marks each (Maximum 120 marks).


60 Min.
Paper – III (Subjective) There are 120 Multiple Choice Questions carrying 1 mark each (Maximum 120 marks).


60 Min.

Candidate should note that there will be a negative marking of one-fourth of each wrong question mark in Phase –II. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate, there will be no negative marking for that question.

FCI AG III Exam Pattern 2022- Paper 1

FCI Assistant Grade III Exam Pattern of Paper I:

Sr. No. Name of the test No. of Question Maximum marks Duration Version
1 English Language 25 25 20 Min. English
2 Reasoning Ability 25 25 20 Min. Bilingual
3 Numerical Aptitude 25 25 20 Min. Bilingual
4 General Awareness 45 45 30 Min. Bilingual
Total 120 120 90 Min.

Phase II –
Paper II consists of 60 MCQs on Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering for Candidates applying for Postcode A (Junior Engineer-Civil Engineering), and Postcode B (Junior Engineer-Electrical Mechanical Engineering), to assess the post-specific technical knowledge required for the relevant stream.


60 Multiple Choice Questions based on Commerce particularly General Accounting and Finance for candidates applying for the Post Code E (Assistant Grade III-Accounts) to assess the post-specific technical knowledge of the relevant stream.


60 Multiple Choice Questions based on Agriculture, Botany, and Zoology (Group-A) or Agriculture, Chemistry, and Physics (Group-B) for candidates applying for the Post Code F (Assistant Grade III-Technical) to assess the post-specific technical knowledge of the relevant stream.


60 Multiple Choice Questions based on General Knowledge related to Hindi Literature, word/sentences for Hindi to English translation, word/sentences for English to Hindi translation, Official Language Policy, Official Language Act, Official Language Rules, Annual Programmed issued by the Department of Official Language.

FCI Assistant Grade III Exam Pattern 2022- Paper III

Sr. No. Name Of the test No. of Question Maximum marks Duration Version
1 English language 30 30 25 Min. English
2 Reasoning Ability  30 30 20 Min. Bilingual
3 Numerical Ability 30 30 25 Min. Bilingual
4 Computer Awareness 30 30 20 Min. Bilingual
Total 120 120 90 Min.


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