The Prayas ePathshala

Exams आसान है !

16 November 2023



Q1. What does an environmental impact assessment (EIA) entail? Describe the EIA process’s stages. Talk about the value of environmental impact assessments in India as well.

GS III  Environmental Conservation related issues


  • An environment impact assessment, or EIA, is a study that forecasts how a project or activity will affect the environment. An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a method used in decision-making that evaluates potential project alternatives in order to determine which one best balances environmental and economic costs and benefits.  The Environment Protection Act, of 1986, which includes numerous rules on the EIA procedure and methodology, provides legal support for environmental impact assessments in India.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening Procedure: At this point, the Proponent needs a thorough and partial analysis of the project proposal to determine whether or not an environmental clearance is required.
  • Scoping: The proponent must keep an eye on the Project’s possible effects, its impact zone, and any available mitigation options throughout this phase.
  • Gathering baseline data: Baseline data refers to the state of the environment in the research region.
  • Impact prediction: This procedure makes predictions about the project’s effects on the environment and its outcomes.
  • Mitigation strategies and the EIA report: The EIA report must to encompass the procedures and protocols for averting, lessening, or mitigating the effects, or alternatively, determining the extent of reimbursement for likely environmental harm or loss.
  • Public hearing: Neighbouring public and environmental organisations may be notified and consulted upon the completion of the EIA report.
  • Making a decision: The Impact Assessment Authority, the specialists, and the project manager confer to make the ultimate decision, taking in mind the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and the Environmental Impact Assessment.
  • Monitoring and carrying out the environmental management plan: The project’s several stages of execution are kept an eye on.
  • Evaluation of Alternatives, Outline of Mitigation Strategies, and Report on Environmental Impact Assessment: Environmental features should be assessed and potential alternatives should be found for each project. Options should address process technologies as well as project location. Following the examination of the alternatives, the chosen option should have a mitigation plan created for it. This plan should be complemented by an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to help the proponent make improvements to the environment.
  • Risk assessment: EIA methods also include inventory analysis and hazard probability and index.

Environmental Impact Assessment’s (EIA) significance

  • In order for the state to accomplish sustainable development, environmental impact assessments facilitate the relationship between environmental protection and development.
  • An environment impact assessment provides a project’s detailed plan, which guarantees that the project will have the least negative impact on the environment.
  • The EIA bases its project evaluation on a few particular criteria. These elements include the cost of environmental impacts, technological risk, and so forth. An environment impact assessment ensures that each of these factors is met in accordance with the requirements.
  • An essential step in the EIA process is the public hearing. The project’s proponent is responsible for ensuring that everyone who will be impacted by it participates in public hearings and other related events.
  • The best way to lessen the project’s environmental effects while protecting resources and the environment is provided in the Environment Impact Assessment report.
  • Additionally useful in anticipating and averting natural disasters like landslides and floods is the environment impact assessment.
  • A positive working relationship between the public, developers, environmentalists, and the state (government) is further facilitated by environment impact assessments.
  • Legal conflicts may arise from a number of projects that have specific environmental effects. These kinds of problems can be resolved with the aid of environment impact assessments, which also lessen the load on the nation’s courts.
  • When used carefully, the EIA may be the most powerful regulatory tool available for environmental governance, helping to advance the nation’s goal of sustainable development.

Q2. Same-sex marriages undermine India’s social and cultural structures. Critically analyze.

GS I  Social Issues


  • Marriages between people who are the same gender are referred to as same-sex marriages. Same-sex marriages are not recognised by Indian law, which defines marriage as a partnership between a man and a woman.

Same-sex unions undermine India’s social and cultural structures:

  • Religious views: Some people believe that same-sex marriage violates traditional religious principles, which could spark social upheaval. Asserting that same-sex marriage violates the precepts of their different religions, some religious leaders in India have already voiced their opposition to it.
  • Conventional family arrangements: In Indian civilization, marriage is considered a holy link between a man and a woman, making it a significant institution. However, same-sex marriage casts doubt on this conventional understanding of marriage, which may cause traditional family structures to disintegrate.
  • Effect on children: Same-sex marriages have the potential to shattered the notion that traditional family structures are the best places to raise children. Children raised by same-sex couples could not receive the same degree of emotional and social support as children raised by opposite-sex couples, and they might also be confused.
  • Impact on the Community: Accepting same-sex marriages may cause social unrest and division, especially in conservative or religious groups. The LGBTQ+ community may become the target of discrimination and marginalisation as a result, which would have a detrimental effect on their mental health and quality of life.
  • Conflicts of values: In India, same-sex marriage may put traditional values and beliefs in jeopardy. Conflicts of values between those who favour equal rights for the LGBTQ+ community and others who think traditional values should be preserved could result from this.

Justifications for same-sex weddings

  • Legalising same-sex unions will benefit LGBTQ+ couples by giving them legal protection and recognition, as well as by fostering greater societal acceptance and lowering prejudice against the group.
  • In 2018, the Supreme Court of India’s five-judge panel ruled that Section 377 was unconstitutional, reversing the earlier ruling and decriminalising homosexuality once more. This was a big win for LGBTQ+ rights in India and a big step in the direction of eliminating prejudice and advancing equality.
  • Enacting legislation allowing same-sex marriage would give everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, equal rights and protections and contribute to the development of a more just society.
  • Legalising same-sex unions would benefit LGBTQ+ people’s mental health and general wellbeing, as they presently experience high rates of violence, harassment, and discrimination.
  • Last but not least, it is in line with the secularism and democracy on which India was built. The Indian constitution guarantees freedom and equality to all citizens, regardless of their sexual orientation, and allowing same-sex marriage is a critical step in realising this constitutional promise.
  • In India, the discussion around same-sex marriage is intricate and varied. Same-sex marriage may have a significant impact on the social and cultural structures of Indian culture, so it’s crucial to thoroughly weigh all the options before making a decision. Any choice on same-sex marriage in India should ultimately be decided after giving much thought to how it would affect the social and cultural structures of Indian society.

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