The Prayas ePathshala

Exams आसान है !

20 October 2022



Q1. What is the importance of fundamental rights in India? Discuss.

Paper & Topic: GS II Indian Constitution

Model Answer:

  • Citizens’ specific rights are upheld by the nation’s judicial system in democracies. The courts will not tolerate the violation, even when the state is at fault. India maintains the Constitution’s listed fundamental rights to human dignity.

Concept of fundamental rights:

  • Part III of the Indian Constitution guarantees a number of essential rights to every citizen (Articles 12 to 35).
  • Fundamental liberties are essential because they enable the development of an independent, informed, mature, moral, and spiritual citizen.
  • Part III of the Constitution is also referred to as the “Magna Carta of India.”
  • It contains a lengthy and detailed list of “justiciable” Fundamental Rights.


  • They form the basis of the country’s democratic system.
  • They create the conditions for people’s moral and material protection.
  • They act as a tremendous barrier to the pursuit of personal freedom.
  • They encourage the growth of the country’s legal system.
  • They advocate for the rights of underprivileged people and socially marginalised groups.
  • They are in favour of the Indian State’s secular foundation.
  • They take into account the scope of governmental power.
  • They create the groundwork for equality and social justice.
  • They protect people’s dignity and respect.


  • Because it was believed that the basic rights were crucial for upholding human dignity and respect as well as for each person’s personality development, they were integrated into the Constitution.

Q2. Give details about the Antarctic Bill, 2022. Also, discuss its features & importance.

Paper & Topic: GS II Government Policies and Interventions

Model Answer:

What does Bill’s core consist of?

  • The Indian Parliament has approved the Indian Antarctic Bill 2022. It offers a comprehensive legal framework that complies with India’s duties under treaties with regard to its actions on the arctic continent.


What it seeks to do is:

  • Environmental Protection Protocol to the Antarctic Treaty under the Convention for the Conservation of the Antarctic Marine Living Resources
  • The Bill also aims to protect the environment by regulating neighbourhood activity.


  • Every member of an Indian Antarctic mission, including troops, items, and aircraft, must abide by the Bill’s requirements.
  • Antarctica is mentioned in the law.
  • The continent, its ice shelves, and the neighbouring continental shelf; all islands, ice shelves, oceans, and airspace south of 60°S.

Key Features:

  • The Secretary of the Ministry of Earth Sciences will serve as the chair of the “Committee on Antarctic Governance and Environmental Protection,” which the central government plans to create.
  • Ten candidates from various ministries (military, external affairs, etc.), the National Center for Polar and Ocean Research, the National Security Council Secretariat, etc., who are not below joint secretary rank will make up this group.
  • Two specialists on geopolitics and the environment will also be present. They need the assistance of the centre.

What makes it important?

  • The Bill marks a turning point in our relationship with Antarctica, despite its mostly administrative nature.
  • The Bill follows India’s announcement of its Arctic Policy earlier this year, which was another step toward expanding our influence in the northern regions.

How do we approach it?

  • The declared objectives of the Antarctic Bill are noble, despite concerns about the legality of Indian courts having jurisdiction in such a remote location.
  • India’s engagement with the Antarctic region will centre on polar research vessels after this Bill is passed. India had chartered research vessels from Russia and Norway up until this point. Even letting out these ships has become rather challenging in recent years.
  • China has advanced and acquired two ships in the interim.


  • A significant turning point in India’s relations with the Antarctica is represented by the Indian Antarctic Bill. It is a crucial step in ensuring India’s participation in the global conference on Antarctic management, even if it largely has to do with administration.

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