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RBI Assistant Previous Year Cutoff Trend Analysis

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RBI Assistant Previous Year Cutoff Trend Analysis

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RBI Assistant Previous Year Cutoff Trend Analysis (2015-16 to 2024-25)

Candidates preparing for the RBI Assistant exam can check the state-wise previous year cutoff trends here. Many aspirants are eager to know the RBI Assistant Cut Off 2025, which will be updated after the exam.

On this page, we have provided the RBI Assistant previous year cutoffs for both Prelims and Mains, categorized state-wise and category-wise. Analyzing these trends will help candidates assess competition levels and set realistic preparation goals. Whether you belong to the General, OBC, SC, ST, or PWD category, reviewing past cutoff trends will be beneficial.

RBI Assistant Cut Off 2025

The RBI Assistant Cut Off 2025 will be officially released for the Prelims, Mains, and Final Selection rounds. These cutoffs represent the minimum qualifying marks required to advance to the next stage of the selection process. The cutoffs will be influenced by various factors such as:

  • Number of vacancies

  • Exam difficulty level across shifts

  • Total number of candidates appearing

Factors Affecting RBI Assistant Cut Off 2025

Several factors impact the RBI Assistant cutoff each year. The key aspects that determine the state-wise and category-wise cutoffs are:

  • State-wise vacancy distribution

  • Difficulty level of the exam in different shifts

  • Number of candidates appearing in each shift

How to Check RBI Assistant Cut Off?

Candidates can check the RBI Assistant Cut Off 2025 by following these steps:

  1. Visit the official RBI website (RBI Careers Page).

  2. Look for the latest notifications section.

  3. Find the “RBI Assistant Cut Off 2025” PDF link.

  4. Click on the link to open the cutoff details.

  5. Download and save the cutoff PDF for reference.

RBI Assistant Cut Off Trend Analysis

Understanding RBI Assistant cutoff trends is crucial for evaluating exam difficulty levels and competition. Candidates can analyze these trends by checking previous years’ cutoff data (state-wise and category-wise). This helps in estimating future cutoff expectations and planning a strategy to score higher.

RBI Assistant Previous Year Cutoff

To set a realistic preparation target, candidates must analyze past years’ Prelims and Mains cutoffs. Below is the RBI Assistant Previous Year Cutoff (State-wise & Category-wise) to help aspirants understand the competition and exam standards.

RBI Assistant Mains Cut Off 2023 – State-wise

The RBI Assistant Mains Cut Off 2023 has been officially released. These cutoffs represent the minimum marks required to qualify for the Language Proficiency Test (LPT). The state-wise and category-wise cutoff was determined based on:

  • Number of vacancies

  • Exam difficulty level

  • Overall candidate performance

Candidates can check the RBI Assistant Mains Cut Off 2023 (State-wise & Category-wise) below:

RBI Assistant Previous Year Cutoff Trend Analysis


  •  indicates no vacancy.

  • # means no candidate qualified/available.

  • * indicates that all qualified candidates are merit-listed; hence, the list cannot be extended.

RBI Assistant Prelims Cut Off 2023 – State-wise

The RBI Assistant Prelims Cut Off 2023 was officially published on the RBI website. This cutoff represents the minimum marks required to qualify for the Mains exam. The state-wise and category-wise cutoffs were determined based on:

  • Number of vacancies

  • Exam difficulty level across different shifts

  • Overall candidate performance

Candidates can check the RBI Assistant Prelims Cut Off 2023 (State-wise & Category-wise) below:
RBI Assistant Previous Year Cutoff Trend Analysis


  •  indicates no vacancy.

  • * indicates that all qualified candidates are merit listed, hence the list cannot be extended.

RBI Assistant Previous Year Cutoff 2022 – Mains (Overall Cutoff)

Here we provide the RBI Assistant Mains Cut Off 2022 (State-wise & Category-wise).

Ahmedabad 107.75 94.75 110.5 107.75 120
Bengaluru 92.5 85.75 105 98.5 105
Bhopal 96 94.5 106.5 119.25
Bhubaneswar 92.25 80.5 103 116
Chandigarh 98.75 102 109.25 117.5 124.75
Chennai 97.75 115.5 93.25 121.25
Guwahati 98.75 86.75 104 112
Hyderabad 99.25 92.25 112 103.75 118.75
Jaipur 96.5 106.5 117.25 114 121.5
Jammu 86.5 101.75 101.5 117.5
Kanpur & Lucknow 97.25 92.25 108.75 114.5 120.75
Kolkata 106.5 83.75 113 128.25
Mumbai 84.5 108 116
Nagpur 112.75 90.25 114 112.75 123
New Delhi 101.25 112 113 123.25
Patna 87.5 109.75 116.5
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi 90.5 100 107.25 93.25 115

RBI Assistant Previous Year Cutoff 2022 – Mains (Section-wise)

Below is the RBI Assistant Mains Cut Off 2022 (Section-wise) for different categories.

Category Reasoning Ability English Language General Awareness Computer Knowledge Numerical Ability
SC/ST 11 11 11 11 11
OBC 12 12 12 12 12
EWS/GEN 14 14 14 14 14

RBI Assistant Cut Off 2022 – Prelims (Overall Cutoff)

Here are the RBI Assistant Prelims Cut-Off Marks for 2022, categorized by state and category. The prelims exam, conducted for a total of 100 marks, serves as the initial screening for the mains exam. The Reserve Bank of India has officially released the category-wise and state-wise cut-off marks. Below is the detailed breakdown of the RBI Assistant Prelims Cut-Off 2022.

Zone General OBC SC ST EWS
Ahmedabad 87.25 82.25 82.25 74.50 82.75
Bengaluru 82.75 82.25 76.75 71 80
Bhopal 89.50 80.25 76 87
Bhubaneshwar 90.50 80.50 79 87.50
Chandigarh 90.75 84.75 80.25 80.25 87.50
Chennai 87.75 86 80.50 77.75
Guwahati 86.00 79.25 73.50 82
Hyderabad 90.25 88.50 84 80.75 88
Jaipur 89.25 87.75 79 81 86.75
Jammu 85.50 78.25 69.50 78.75
Kanpur & Lucknow 89.25 85.25 79 78.75 86.75
Kolkata 90.75 83.25 73.25 87
Mumbai 85.25 70 82.50
Nagpur 87.00 85 84 72 82.25
New Delhi 89.25 84.75 80 85.75
Patna 89.00 81 75 87.50
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi 86.50 84.50 74.75 57 76

RBI Assistant Prelims Cut Off 2022 – Sectional Cut Off

Candidates had to clear sectional cutoffs along with the overall cutoff to qualify for Mains. Below is the category-wise sectional cutoff for RBI Assistant Prelims 2022.

English (30) 08 09 11
Numerical Ability (35) 10 11 12
Reasoning Ability (35) 11 12 12

RBI Assistant Cut Off 2019 – Prelims (Section-wise Cut Off)

Below is the RBI Assistant Prelims Section-wise Cut Off 2019 for different categories.

English 9 10 11
Reasoning Ability 10 11 12
Numerical Ability 10 12 13

RBI Assistant Cut Off 2019 – Prelims (Overall Cutoff)

Check the state-wise and category-wise cutoff for RBI Assistant Prelims 2019.

Zone Name SC ST OBC EWS General
Ahmedabad 90.25 79.00 89.50 91.00 92.75
Bengaluru 81.75 89.75 89.00 92.25
Bhopal 86.00 80.50 92.50 92.75 94.75
Bhubaneswar 85.75 81.25 94.75 93.75 95.75
Chandigarh 89.50 93.50 95.00 96.75
Chennai 88.00 92.75 87.00 94.00
Guwahati 83.50 77.75 86.25 83.75 89.50
Hyderabad 92.00 88.00 94.75 94.75 96.25
Jaipur 86.75 85.25 93.25 93.75 95.75
Jammu 79.50 87.00 89.00 94.25
Kanpur & Lucknow 87.00 92.25 94.25 96.00
Kolkata 92.25 92.00 96.25
Mumbai 84.00 71.50 84.25 81.75 87.75
Nagpur 88.00 77.50 88.75 90.50
New Delhi 89.00 92.75 93.50 96.25
Patna 85.75 93.75 94.00 95.75
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi 87.00 95.00 89.75 96.25

RBI Assistant Cut Off 2019 – Mains (Sectional Cut Off)

Candidates had to meet the sectional cutoff for the RBI Assistant Mains 2019. Below is the category-wise sectional cutoff.

Category Reasoning Ability English Language General Awareness Computer Knowledge Numerical Ability
SC/ST 11 11 11 11 11
OBC 12 12 12 12 12
EWS/GEN 14 14 14 14 14

RBI Assistant Cut Off 2019 – Mains (Overall Cutoff)

Check the state-wise and category-wise cutoff for RBI Assistant Mains 2019.

Ahmedabad 112 108.25 112.50 123.50
Bengaluru 94 99.25
Bhopal 109.25 103.75 116.50 118.25 121.25
Bhubaneswar 95.50 87.75 103.25 103.25
Chandigarh 82.75 100.25 111
Chennai 101.50 119.75 108.50 121
Guwahati 72.75 97.75 105.75 105.75
Hyderabad 98 111.50 104 121
Jaipur 91.50 98.75 103.50 114.25
Jammu 111.5 108.50 123.25
Kanpur & Lucknow 92 91 105.25 117.25
Kolkata 114.25 122.75 126.25
Mumbai 86.25 76.25 86.25 86.25
Nagpur 103.5 103.5
New Delhi 95 106.50 115.75 116.75
Patna 90.25 107.50 106.25 108.25
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi 114.25 90.50 114.25

RBI Assistant Cut Off 2017 – Prelims (State-wise Cutoff)

Below is the RBI Assistant Prelims Cut Off 2017 (State-wise & Category-wise).

Ahmedabad 80.00 69.75 74.00
Bengaluru 77.75 68.75 68.25 74.75
Bhopal 83.25 78.00 63.75
Bhubaneswar 84.50 71.25 68.50 82.25
Chandigarh 87.50 77.00 70.25 81.75
Chennai 83.50 76.00 81.75
Guwahati 77.25 71.00 63.75 73.50
Hyderabad 87.00 80.50 74.50 84.25
Jaipur 85.75 74.50 67.50 81.75
Jammu 80.00 70.25 56.25 72.25
Kanpur & Lucknow 85.00 72.75 64.25 78.50
Kolkata 86.50 74.50 78.50
Mumbai 74.25 70.00 56.50 68.25
Nagpur 80.00 54.00 75.75
New Delhi 85.75 74.75 79.25
Patna 86.25 69.75 72.50
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi 87.25 76 84.25

RBI Assistant Cut Off 2017 – Mains (State-wise Cutoff)

Below is the RBI Assistant Mains Cut Off 2017 (State-wise & Category-wise).

Ahmedabad 75.75 101.00 115.50
Bengaluru 90.00 76.25 103.25 105.75
Bhopal 74.33 70.25 117.25
Bhubaneswar 92.25 76.50 110.50 120.50
Chandigarh 94.75 103.75 97.75 120.00
Chennai 95.25 116.25 119.50
Guwahati 95.50 78.75 101.00 106.50
Hyderabad 104.00 100.75 114.00 112.50
Jaipur 98.25 77.75 107.25 119.25
Jammu 96.75 68.50 96.50 116.25
Kanpur & Lucknow 94.00 105.75 110.00 121.25
Kolkata 100.00 108.25 118.25
Mumbai 98.00 64.50 96.25 105.75
Nagpur 68.25 104.50 115.50
New Delhi 96.50 109.00 121.25
Patna 83.25 91.00 117.25
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi 91.25 116.25 124.50

RBI Assistant Cut Off 2016 – Prelims (State-wise Cutoff)

Here is the RBI Assistant Prelims Cut Off 2016 (State-wise & Category-wise).

Ahmedabad 51.25 68.00 73.75 42.00 36.25 40.00 48.50
Bengaluru 62.50 58.75 68.00 71.75 38.00 30.00 42.50 57.00 43.50
Bhopal 68.50 53.25 74.25 77.75 50.00 39.50 50.25
Bhubaneswar 66.50 57.25 79.75 31.50 51.75 46.00 50.25 61.75
Chandigarh 67.00 73.75 81.50 34.25 49.50 32.50 34.00 54.00
Chennai 70.25 76.25 78.25 32.00 35.25 49.25 42.50
Guwahati 68.00 57.50 70.25 72.50 39.75 66.50 35.75
Hyderabad 73.75 70.00 78.00 81.50 37.50 66.75 62.00 43.75 59.25
Jaipur 69.00 62.25 76.00 80.50 49.00 55.75
Jammu 66.75 50.75 62.75 76.00 41.25 56.00 41.25
Kanpur & Lucknow 67.25 63.00 73.50 79.75 36.25 52.25 38.75 44.25 59.50
Kolkata 68.25 72.75 80.75 39.25 37.50 35.25 52.25 51.75
Mumbai 63.75 47.50 66.00 70.25 45.00 55.75 61.00 33.75 41.75
Nagpur 68.00 71.75 41.75 40.50 37.00 43.00
New Delhi 70.00 73.25 81.00 34.50 52.25 55.25 37.25 56.50
Patna 68.00 65.25 75.50 80.25 35.50 61.50 52.50 35.75 55.00
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi 68.75 77.75 81.00 42.75 67.50 58.00

RBI Assistant Cut Off 2016 – Mains (Sectional Cut Off)

Below is the RBI Assistant Mains Section-wise Cut Off 2016.

Reasoning 14 12 11
English Language 14 12 11
Quantitative Aptitude 14 12 11
General Awareness 14 12 11
Computer Knowledge 14 12 11

RBI Assistant Cut Off 2016 – Mains (Overall Cutoff)

Check the state-wise RBI Assistant Mains Cut Off 2016 below.

Ahmedabad 112 NV 79.75 95.50
Bengaluru 113 93.50 94.00 96.75 121.75
Bhopal 122.75 101.00 84.75 112.25 113.75
Bhubaneswar 116.50 88.75 79.75 NV
Chandigarh 127.00 96.00 NV 107.75
Chennai 123.75 103.00 NV 117.00 119.75
Guwahati 107.25 94.25 74.50 119.50
Hyderabad 126.00 107.25 108.00 115.75 115.75
Jaipur 124.50 98.75 94.50 113.75 120.25
Jammu 116.50 96.50 104.00
Kanpur & Lucknow 119.00 97.00 97.00 101.50 119.75
Kolkata 126.00 91.50 NV 107.00 106.00
Mumbai 111.50 97.00 73.00 105.25 115.50
Nagpur 107.00 NV NV 103.25
New Delhi 128.25 108.50 113.25 128.00
Patna 116.50 90.25 100.75 104.50
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi 128.75 97.25 NV 119.00 131.00 103.75

Analyzing RBI Assistant previous year cutoffs is essential for understanding exam trends, difficulty levels, and competition. Candidates should review past cutoffs, set realistic targets, and prepare accordingly. Keep checking the official RBI website for the latest cutoff updates and exam notifications.

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