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SBI Clerk (JSA) Cut-Off Analysis 2020-2025

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SBI Clerk (JSA) Cut-Off Analysis 2020-2025

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SBI Clerk (JSA) Cut-Off Analysis 2020-2025

The State Bank of India (SBI) releases the SBI Clerk (Junior Associate) cut-off marks separately for each stage of the examination. The cut-off marks vary every year depending on factors like the number of vacancies, the number of candidates appearing, and the difficulty level of the exam. The SBI Clerk cut-off is announced state-wise and category-wise for different groups such as General, SC, ST, OBC, and EWS.

SBI Clerk Cut Off 2024-2025 Released

The cut-off marks for the SBI Clerk 2025 prelims exam were officially released on March 28, 2025. This year, 14,191 Junior Associate vacancies were announced, and candidates who qualified in the prelims exam will now appear for the mains, scheduled for April 10 and 12, 2025. The official cut-off marks are available on the SBI website.

SBI Clerk Prelims Cut Off 2024-2025

SBI has published the category-wise and state-wise cut-off marks for the SBI Clerk 2025 prelims exam. Along with the cut-off, SBI also released the scorecard and results. Since lakhs of candidates appear for this exam, the competition level is high, and the cut-off is determined by various factors, including exam difficulty and good attempt numbers.

SBI Clerk Prelims Cut Off 2024-2025 (State-wise & Category-wise)

States/UT General EWS OBC SC ST
Andaman & Nicobar
Andhra Pradesh 68.75 68.75 68.75 68.75 56.5
Arunachal Pradesh
Assam 60.75 30.75 58 58.25 40.25
Bihar 47.25 47.25 47.25 44.75 39.25
Chhattisgarh 29.5 0.00 29.5 29.5 29.5
Chandigarh 65.25 45.25 55.25 60 65.25
Delhi 67 56.75 60.75 62 49.50
Gujarat 47 47 47 47 25.75
Haryana 64
Himachal Pradesh 68.50 66.5 61.25 60.75 66.75
Jammu 66.50 26.25 51.75
Jharkhand 42.25 38.5 42.25 39.25 42.25
Karnataka 72
Kerala 64 2.50 64 53.75 39.75
Madhya Pradesh 49.25 49.25 49.25 49.25 49.25
Maharashtra 44.75 44.75 44.75 44.75 40
Meghalaya 54.75 54.75 54.75 54.75 53.5
Manipur 37 5.25 37 37 37
Odisha 64.25 52 64.25 55 41.5
Punjab 60.25 55 57 49.75 60.25
Rajasthan 59.5 59.5 59.5 57 47
Sikkim 39
Tamil Nadu 55.50 36.75 55.50 55.50 55.50
Telangana 60 60 60 60 60
Tripura 64
Uttar Pradesh 61.75 61.75 61.75 56 45.75
Uttarakhand 64.75
West Bengal 61.25 0.00 45.75 51.75 42.75

SBI Clerk Cut Off 2024-2025: Category-Wise and State-Wise

The SBI Clerk cut-off 2025 will be released on the official SBI website after both the prelims and mains results. Unlike some other bank exams, SBI Clerk does not have a sectional cut-off—candidates only need to clear the overall cut-off, which varies by state and category. Based on the previous trends, an expected cut-off is analyzed considering multiple factors.

Factors Affecting the SBI Clerk Cut-Off 2024-2025

Several factors influence the SBI Clerk cut-off each year:

  • State-wise and category-wise vacancies
  • Exam difficulty level in each shift
  • Number of candidates appearing in different shifts

How to Check SBI Clerk Cut-Off?

Follow these steps to check the SBI Clerk cut-off 2024-2025:

  1. Visit the official SBI website (
  2. Navigate to the ‘Current Openings’ section.
  3. Click on the ‘SBI Clerk’ section.
  4. Find and click on the direct link for state-wise cut-off PDF.
  5. Download and save the PDF for reference.

SBI Clerk Cut-Off Trend Analysis

Understanding the SBI Clerk cut-off trend helps candidates assess competition levels and exam difficulty over the years. Cut-off marks may increase or decrease depending on various factors like vacancies, paper difficulty, and the number of applicants. Analyzing past trends enables candidates to set target scores for preparation.

SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut-Off Analysis (2020-2024)

To help candidates understand past cut-offs, we have compiled previous years’ state-wise and category-wise cut-off data for both prelims and mains exams.

Last Year SBI Clerk Mains Cut Off 2023 State wise

SBI Clerk Mains Cut Off 2023 State-wise and category wise data has been provided on this space.

States/UT General EWS OBC SC ST
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 74.75
Andhra Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh
Assam 60 68.75 67.25 70 76.75
Bihar 60 60 73 73.75 78
Delhi 60 67.25 71.25 73.25 81.75
Gujarat 60 68.50 70.75 71.50 76.75
Haryana 61.25 70.75 72.75 80.75
Himachal Pradesh 68.25 65 67.75 73.25 80.75
Jammu & Kashmir 60 72.75 63.5 70 79.5
Karnataka 60 61 70.75 70 75.25
Ladakh UT 60.75 60 60 70 70
Madhya Pradesh 60 68.25 75.25 75.25 80.75
Maharashtra 62.75 76.75 83.25 81.75 86.5
Manipur 74.25 65 70 75
Odisha 85.25
Punjab 65.75 70 71.75 81.75
Rajasthan 60 64 75 73.25 80
Tamil Nadu 72.25 68.5 82.5 70 84.25
Telangana 61.25 65.75 73.25 70 76.75
Tripura 68.25 60 70 77.75
Uttar Pradesh 60 63.25 71.25 73.75 80.75
Uttarakhand 67.5 61.5 69.5 73.5 80.75
West Bengal 66.75 70.50 75.75 74.75 86.50

SBI Clerk Prelims Cut Off 2023: State-Wise & Category-Wise

The state-wise and category-wise SBI Clerk Prelims Cut Off for 2023 is detailed below.

States/UT General EWS OBC SC ST
Andaman & Nicobar
Andhra Pradesh 56.50
Arunachal Pradesh 41
Assam 65 61.25
Bihar 51
Chhattisgarh 62.5
Delhi 57.25
Gujarat 51.50
Haryana 58
Himachal Pradesh 64
Jammu 66
Jharkhand 56.50
Karnataka 56
Kerala 76.25
Madhya Pradesh 67.50 67.50 67.50 63.25 48.50
Maharashtra 71.75
Meghalaya 34.25
Odisha 77
Punjab 68.5
Rajasthan 57.25
Sikkim 58.50
Tamil Nadu 65.50 65.50 65.50 65.50
Telangana 42.5
Tripura 61
Uttar Pradesh 60.50 60.50 60.50 53.50 43.50
Uttarakhand 63.50
West Bengal 80

SBI Clerk Mains Cut Off 2022: State-Wise & Category-Wise

Stay tuned for the state-wise and category-wise SBI Clerk Mains Cut Off 2022 details.

States/UT General OBC ST SC EWS
Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Andhra Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh 70
Assam 72
Chhattisgarh 77.25 75.75
Goa 70
Gujarat 74.5 67.25 50 62.75 70
Haryana 85.5
Himachal Pradesh 85.75
Jammu & Kashmir 77
Karnataka 70.75 67
Madhya Pradesh 78.25 72.25
Maharashtra 76 70.25 52.25 68.5 70
Manipur 70
Odisha 78.75
Puducherry 72
Punjab 84.25
Rajasthan 80.5 75
Tamil Nadu 78 75.5
Telangana 78.25 74
Uttar Pradesh 82.75 73.5 77
Uttarakhand 83 69.75 56 60.25 72
West Bengal 80.5 68

SBI Clerk Prelims Cut Off 2022: State-Wise & Category-Wise

The SBI Clerk Prelims exam was conducted on November 12, 19, 20, and 25, 2022. The state-wise and category-wise cut-off data for 2022 has been updated here.

States/UT General OBC SC ST EWS
Andaman & Nicobar
Arunachal Pradesh
Assam 69.25
Chhattisgarh 72.75
Gujarat 72.25
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu 77 71.75
Karnataka 64.50
Kerala 68
Madhya Pradesh 74.75 74.75 66.5 57.5 74.75
Maharashtra 65.5
Odisha 77
Punjab 80.75
Rajasthan 75
Tamil Nadu 62.25
Telangana 69
Uttar Pradesh 77.5
Uttarakhand 78.75 74.5
West Bengal 78.50

SBI Clerk Prelims Cut Off 2021: State-Wise & Category-Wise

The table below provides the state-wise and category-wise SBI Clerk Prelims Cut Off for 2021. The exam was conducted on July 10, 11, 12, 13, and August 29, 2021.

State/UT General OBC SC ST EWS
Andaman & Nicobar 66.25
Arunachal Pradesh 69.25 69.25 69.25 55.75 69.25
Assam 68.50 67.75 67.50 60 67.25
Chhattisgarh 76.5 76.50 64 62.75 73
Delhi 83
Gujarat 64.5 64.5 63.50 49 64.50
Haryana 79.75 76
Himachal Pradesh 80.25
Jharkhand 69.25
Karnataka 64.25 64.25 64.25 54.25 64.25
Kerala 69
Madhya Pradesh 81.75 81.25 72.25 56.25 80.25
Maharashtra 66.25 66.25 66.25 56 66.25
Odisha 82 82 71.75 62 81.75
Punjab 75.5
Rajasthan 77.75
Sikkim 72.50
Tamil Nadu 61.75 61.75 61.75 57.25 47.75
Telangana 73.75 73.75 72 66.75 73.75
Uttar Pradesh 81.25 78 70 55.25 81.25
Uttarakhand 81.75 73 66.75 66.75 75.25
West Bengal 79.75 76 64.75 79.75 79.75
Goa 66 66 66 46.50 66
Puducherry 66.75 66.75 66.75 66.75 66.75

SBI Clerk Mains Cut Off 2021: State-Wise & Category-Wise

The table below provides the state-wise and category-wise SBI Clerk Mains Cut Off for 2021. The mains exam was conducted on October 1 and 17, 2021.

States/UT General OBC SC ST EWS
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 86.25
Andhra Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh
Assam 88 77.25
Bihar 85.5
Chhattisgarh 94.75 90 70 64 85.50
Delhi 99
Gujarat 87 78.25 69 60 79.25
Haryana 97 87
Himachal Pradesh 99.5 85.75
Jammu & Kashmir
Karnataka 86 80.25 69.75 61.50 79.50
Kerala 95 88.75
Madhya Pradesh 97.75 86.75 73.50 62 90
Maharashtra 88.25 81 79.50 63.25 79.50
Goa 80.25 80.25 60 72
Odisha 95.5 89.75 76.25 65.50 89.25
Puducherry 88.25
Punjab 94.5 77.75
Rajasthan 94.25
Tamil Nadu 90.50 87.5 73.25 66.50 70.75
Telangana 94 87.25 73.75 70 83.25
Uttar Pradesh 95.75 85.50 73 62.25 89.50
Uttarakhand 96.25
West Bengal 95.25 80.50 76 67.50 80.25

SBI Clerk Prelims Cut Off 2020: State-Wise

Refer to the state-wise SBI Clerk Prelims Cut Off for 2020, specifically for General category candidates.

State General OBC SC ST EWS
Uttar Pradesh 71 69.25 61 50.75 71
Punjab 77.50
Tamil Nadu 62 62 62 59.5 57.75
Rajasthan 68.75
Delhi 76.25
Chandigarh 76
West Bengal 67.50 57.75 56.75 47.25 47
Odisha 68.75 68.25 57.5 47.75 68.25
Karnataka 58.75 58.5 58.5 57.5 58.5
Himachal Pradesh 66
Kerala 69.75
Haryana 72.75
Telangana 66 66 66 61 66
Maharashtra 59.50 59.75 59.75 51.25 59.75
Bihar 68.75
Chhattisgarh 68.75 68.75 59.5 54 68.75
Uttarakhand 69.75
Gujarat 56.75 56.75 56.75 41.75 56.75
Madhya Pradesh 68.75 68.75 59.5 54 68.75
Puducherry 50.25 50.25 50.25 50.25 50.25
Goa 59.25 59.25 59.25 45.5 59.25
Jharkhand 68.25
Andhra Pradesh 68 68 68 60 68
Assam 63

SBI Clerk Mains Cut Off 2020: State-Wise

Check the state-wise SBI Clerk Mains Cut Off for the year 2020 below.

State/UT Name Gen OBC EWS SC ST
West Bengal 86.75 69.25 70.75 65.5 60
Chattisgarh 86 84.5 78.25 63.75 60
Goa 72.5 66.5
Puducherry 87 86.5 79.75
Odisha 87.5 83.25 79.25 61.5 60
Gujarat 82.75 73 74.5 66 60
Maharashtra 84 77.5 76.5 75.5 60
Telangana 86.75 81.75 81.5 69.25 60.75
Uttar Pradesh 90.25 78 82.25 64.25 60
Himachal Pradesh 87.25 72
Andhra Pradesh 88.75 83.75 82.75 67.75 60
Uttarakhand 91
Rajasthan 90.25 82.75 80.75 66.5 60
Tamil Nadu 92.75 89.75 72.25 74.75 60.75
Karnataka 80.5 75.25 74.25 64.25 60
Madhya Pradesh 89.25 81 81.5 64.5 60
Delhi 98.75 83 87.5 73.5 62.25
Chandigarh 96.75 81.75 94.75 77.25
Punjab 96.25 78.75 88 69.25

The SBI Clerk cut-off plays a crucial role in determining selection for the next stage of the exam. Since the cut-off varies by state and category, candidates should analyze previous trends and prepare accordingly. Regularly checking the official SBI website for updates is essential to stay informed about cut-off marks and results.

By understanding the cut-off trends from 2020-2025, aspirants can plan better strategies to clear the exam and secure a position as an SBI Junior Associate in the coming years.

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