Q1. Consider the following statements about Tele-MANAS:
- Tele-MANAS is a mental health helpline in India.
- It was an initiative by the NITI Aayog.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans: (a)
- Tele-MANAS is a mental health helpline in India. It was launched in October 2022 by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. The program’s objectives are:
- To enable people to seek support for their mental health issues while maintaining anonymity
- To facilitate timely referral for specialist care and follow-up
- To enhance mental healthcare capacity and networking
Q2. Consider the following statements about Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) in India:
- PVTGs reside in 18 States and one Union Territory.
- A stagnant or declining population is one of the criteria for determining PVTG status.
- There are 95 PVTGs officially notified in the country so far.
- Irular and Konda Reddi tribes are included in the list of PVTGs.
How many of the above statements are correct?
(a) Only one
(b) Only two
(c) Only three
(d) All four
Ans: (c)
- 75 tribal groups have been categorized by the Ministry of Home Affairs as Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTG)s. PVTGs reside in 18 States and UT of A&N Islands.
- S2: The criteria followed for determination of PVTGs are as under:
- A pre-agriculture level of technology;
- A stagnant or declining population;
- Extremely low literacy; and
- A subsistence level of economy.
- S4: Irulars are found in TN, whereas Konda Reddis are found in Andhra Pradesh (including Telangana).
Q3. Disguised unemployment generally means:
(a) large number of people remain unemployed
(b) alternative employment is not available
(c) marginal productivity of labour is zero
(d) productivity of workers is low
Ans: (c)
- Disguised unemployment is unemployment that does not affect aggregate economic output. It occurs when productivity is low and too many workers are filling too few jobs. It can refer to any part of the population that is not employed at full capacity.
Q4. Which of the following statements about Nyctibatrachidae is/are true?
(a) Nyctibatrachidae is a family of frogs that are endemic to the Western Ghats of India.
(b) Nyctibatrachidae frogs are known for their direct development, meaning that they do not have a larval stage.
(c) Nyctibatrachidae frogs are mostly nocturnal and insectivorous.
(d) All of the above
Ans: (d)
- All three statements are true about Nyctibatrachidae frogs. They are endemic to the Western Ghats of India, they have direct development, and they are mostly nocturnal and insectivorous.
- Context: The second Global Amphibian Assessment, conducted by over 1,000 experts and analysing 8,011 species worldwide, has revealed that the elusive dancing frogs of the Western Ghats are one of the most threatened amphibian genera.
Q5. ‘Right to Privacy’ is protected under which Article of the Constitution of India?
(a) Article 15
(b) Article 19
(c) Article 21
(d) Article 29
Ans: (c)
- The “Right to Privacy” is protected under Article 21 of the Constitution of India.
- Article 21 states: “No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to a procedure established by law.” This has been interpreted by the Supreme Court of India to include the right to privacy as an intrinsic part of the right to life and personal liberty.