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How to Prepare for UPSC Exam – Preparing for IAS Exam (CSE)

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How to Prepare for UPSC Exam - Preparing for IAS Exam (CSE) 5

How to start preparing for UPSC Exam

UPSC is a reputed organization. It is responsible for conducting Civil Services Exams. However, CSE is a national level Exam. It is conducted in 3 stages. However, the first stage is Prelims Exam. It is the screening stage in UPSC CSE. Question is How to start preparing for UPSC Exam?. However, In this article, we will be covering the Syllabus. The Prelims Syllabus for IAS Exam is sorted and clear. The article covers every subject of Prelims Syllabus for CSE. However, the Prelims Syllabus for Civil Service Exam is declared by UPSC. Best UPSC Online Coaching. Top UPSC Online Coaching

Criteria to choose the best UPSC Coaching

  • Past Year Results: The most important model for choosing the Top Online IAS Coaching Institutes is the previous outcomes. However, Past Year Results show how great the coaching is. Consistently, The students of The Prayas India are sparkling in the UPSC exam. We are glad to say that under the direction of our astounding educator, the aspirants accomplish their objectives.
  • Faculty: We have the best and experienced faculty in our foundation. Moreover, The Prayas India is the Top Online IAS Coaching Center. Our Educators plan the guide for the aspirants. We appreciate that not all understudies are comparative. Along these lines, we plan the showing methodologies suitably. Join the Top Online IAS Coaching.
  • Test Series: The Prayas India has the best UPSC CSE test series. Particularly, all our test arrangements depend on self dissecting technique. From now on, students can check if they’re improving. However, Join the Top Online IAS Coaching Center. Moreover, the tests help you with checking your advancement at the national level as well.
  • Counseling Sessions: We consistently organize counseling sessions for our students. However, guiding meetings assist the aspirants with calming the worry about their psyches. Do join the Top Online IAS Coaching Center. Additionally, our tutors assist the understudies with going on the correct way.
  • Study Material: We give extraordinary The Prayas India study materials. Also, we give significant sources to the aspirants for their readiness. The Prayas India is the Best UPSC Online Coaching.

Why The Prayas India is the best UPSC Coaching?

  1. Singular Attention: We accept that each understudy needs close-to-home consideration for a better understanding. Subsequently, our guides center around each student and help them. Join the Best UPSC Coaching Institutes.
  2. Teaching Methodology: Our Educators plan the best techniques to instruct aspirants. Best UPSC Coaching Institutes. However, instructors follow a very much arranged guide for each subject.
  3. The Best Faculty: The Prayas India(Best Online UPSC Coaching) has knowledgeable and experienced educators. Mentors at The Prayas India put their earnest attempts to assist students with accomplishing their dreams.
  4. Interactive Sessions: We make an honest effort to make the online sessions as interactive as could be expected. Join the Best UPSC Coaching Institutes.
  5. Mock Tests: The Prayas India directs weekly mock tests for aspirants. Moreover, it is the Best UPSC Coaching Institutes. Nonetheless, these counterfeit tests permit the aspirants to check their improvement and ranks.

About The Prayas India

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How to Prepare for UPSC Exam - Preparing for IAS Exam (CSE) 6

The Prayas India is the Top Online IAS Coaching. We have the most ideal facilities for all the UPSC competitors out there. Most Importantly, We have the best educators. The educators plan the best instructing strategies. Nonetheless, we likewise give the best offices to our students. The Prayas India is perhaps the best in Coaching. In addition, our results are evidence that we’re teaching the aspirants well. Top IAS Coaching Institutes. Now check out What are the fees for Online IAS Coaching?

However, the fees for every IAS Coaching may vary. But, If you want to join the Top Online IAS Coaching Institutes, then Check out –  What are the fees for IAS Coaching? Go through the official website of The Prayas India and you’ll get every detail.

The Prayas India – Top Online UPSC Coaching Fee Structure is


Fee(incl. 18% GST)INR

Offer Fee(Valid on One Time Payment)INR

Online Coaching

UPSC 1 Year (Target Batch) 59999 42000
UPSC 2 Years (Foundation + Target Batch) 87499 61250
UPSC 3 Years (Foundation + Target Batch) 112499 78750
UPSC 5 Years (Foundation + Target Batch) 149999 105000
UPSC Mains Answer Writing (1 Year Program) 22700 15890
UPSC CSE Test Series Prelims 2021 5700 3990

Contact details of Top Online IAS Coaching Institutes:

About UPSC Exams

Eligibility Criteria

However, for IAS Exam, you must be a graduate. Specifically, you must have a graduate degree. However, the graduation degree should be of a recognized University. However, There is no mention of minimum passing percentage. The candidate must accomplish the age of 21 a long time and must not surpass the age of 32 a long time. However, the candidate need to lie in the age range. If he fails to fulfill the age limit, he is not eligible. how to prepare for IAS exam? Check the answers below.

How to prepare for UPSC Exam?

You should do SWOT Analysis. As, it helps to check your own abilities. However, you should know how much efforts you can put into something. how to start UPSC preparation? Do SWOT Analysis.

Take a look at the syllabus. If you know what are your subjects, you can easily make your targets. Also, choose your optional subject wisely.

Exam Pattern

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How to Prepare for UPSC Exam - Preparing for IAS Exam (CSE) 7

The UPSC CSE is divided into two parts named, Pre and Mains. A candidate can apply for Mains only if he has cleared the Pre Exam firstly. Secondly, if the Mains Examination is cleared, as a result, the candidate appears for a personality test for the final round. UPSC Prelims Syllabus


The Pre stage consists of 2 papers in a day. Top Online IAS Coaching. The Pre exam is the first qualifying stage of UPSC CSE. If the candidate clears the pre, then he’ll become eligible for the Mains exam .However, In both the papers, the questions are MCQs.

Firstly, Paper1: General Studies 1

The no. of questions are 100. Top Online IAS Coaching. However, the marks allotted are 200. 2 Hours are given to complete the exam. However, there is a negative marking( There is a penalty for wrong answers. i.e., for every answer, 1/3 of the marks will be deducted. )

Second, Paper 2: General Studies 2 (CSAT)

However, The pattern of paper 2 is the same as that of paper 1. Top Online IAS Coaching. Moreover, there is a negative marking in both the papers, so attempt the questions you are sure about.

Mains Examination

In the first place, if the has cleared the cut-off of prelims paper1. Also, if he has secured 33% in paper 2. Top Online IAS Coaching. Then, the candidate will appear for the mains exam afterward. However, The Mains Exam is the second stage of UPSC CSE.

Although the Mains Exam is a written exam. However, The candidates can write it in either English or any other Indian language likewise. Best Online IAS Coaching.  Although, the Indian language must be specifically included in the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution. On the other hand, this stage consists of 9 total papers which are conducted over 5 to 7 days.

Personal Interview

Finally, The Personality Test will be organized. It is likely to be held in March and April. However, the result is expected in May or June. Best Online IAS Coaching. Specifically, The Interview is the final stage of the recruitment process for the Civil Services of India. Also, an interview is conducted by UPSC Board to check the candidate’s suitability for the civil services. Best Online IAS Coaching.  In short, The Interviewers judge the candidate’s mental and social abilities.

In conclusion, the final stage is allotted 275 total marks

As a final point, A Final Merit list is made based on all 3 stages and thus, the candidates are assigned their posts on basis of their ranks.

UPSC CSE Exam Date 2021

The Exam date is June 27. Although, The Exam notification will release on Feb 10. Moreover, the application window will be active till March 12.

How to start preparing for IAS?’

how to start UPSC preparation
How to Prepare for UPSC Exam - Preparing for IAS Exam (CSE) 8

Every aspirant faces the question, “How to start preparing for UPSC“. However, If a student is determined, nothing can stop him from cracking the exam. Although, you should know the right strategy of how to prepare for the IAS exam. However, some important steps can help you in your way. how to start UPSC preparation? Check the answers.

Firstly, Plan a schedule. However, this is an important step. When you plan a schedule, you are ready to go. Specifically, manage your time accordingly. Take out time for yourself too. However, devote more time to the subjects in which you are weak.

Secondly, start reading newspaper. Also, Watch news on daily basis. These habits will help you improve your general knowledge. However, These habits will make your current affairs strong.

Thirdly, Study reference material. The content for UPSC will help you to prepare for IAS Exam. But, prefer NCERT Books first. Afterward, choose the right reference material.

Moreover, Attempt Mock Tests. Try to attempt as many mock test as you can. However, the mock tests will help you to check your growth. Mock tests are a great way to help answer the questions quickly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What are the requirements to attend the online classes Best Online IAS Coaching?

Ans. Generally, online private classes bear specific software similar to Skype, or Zoom. To pierce this service you need to download and register which is occasionally annoying. Either, you do not have the right tools for a proper assignment and it's relatively tedious when it comes to participating documents.

Q. Which is the Top Online IAS Coaching Institutes?

Ans. The Prayas India is Top Online UPSC Coaching Center.

Q. How many Students will be there in live classes The Prayas India Best UPSC Online Coaching?

Ans. Best Online IAS Coaching. In The Prayas India many Students are join live Classes.


All About UPSC CSE Exam Preparation

Exam Notification

UPSC CSE Calendar 2025

  • Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2025 & Indian Forest Service (Preliminary) Examination, 2025 through CS(P) Examination 2025 is scheduled to be held on 25th May 2025 (Sunday).
  • The Civil Services (Mains) Examination 2025 is scheduled to commence from 22nd August 2025.26 May 2024 (Staurday).

Download UPSC CSE Notification 2024: Click here

Exam Pattern

UPSC Syllabus

UPSC Prelims Syllabus

UPSC Mains Syllabus

Previous Papers

YearPrelims-GSPrelims-CSATMains-GS 1Mains-GS 2Mains-GS 3Mains-GS 4Mains-EssayMains-EnglishMains-Hindi

Prelims Previous Years Papers – Subject & Year Wise

PRE SUBJECT201820172016201520142013
Science & Technology201820172016201520142013
Modern India201820172016201520142013
Medieval India201820172016201520142013

Mains Previous Years Papers – Subject & Year Wise

MAINS SUBEJECT201820172016201520142013
Internal Security201820172016201520142013
Ethics – I201820172016201520142013
Ethics – II (Case Studies)201820172016201520142013
Environment and Ecology201820172016201520142013
Disaster Management201820172016201520142013
Ancient History and Art & Culture201820172016201520142013
Agriculture201820172016No Question20142013
Indian Society2018201720162015 20142013

Cut Off Marks

Awards And Achievements

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Teaching Methodology:

The Prayas India- Exam आसान है!

LEARN: Learning is the first stage of any exam preparation. The Prayas India provides the simplified learning approach. It believes in technology and helps the aspirants for smart preparation.
PRACTICE: “Practice makes a man perfect”. After each and every topic, the aspirants need to practice on Mock Question Papers and Previous Years Papers. The Prayas India helps to understand the Exam Pattern and practice on exam oriented pattern.
ANALYZE: The last and the most important part is giving the test and analysing the performance. The Prayas India provides All India level real time test platform where an aspirant can track themselves with performance and progress.

Why the Prayas ?

We know that you are in search of not just a coaching, but an institution where you get all your learning needs fulfilled. Here, at The Prayas, we mentor you, guide you with the best strategy, and solve all your doubts that will help you achieve your goal.

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We are a team of highly experienced mentors. The Research & Development Team at Prayas continuously works hard for all our students.

Teaching Methodogy

We firmly believe in and follow the three steps of preparation:
1. Learn
2. Practice
3. Test

Study Material

The Prayas study material is extremely comprehensive and very well designed. It is regularly updated by our Research & Development team.

Time Table

It is imperative to be disciplined to crack competitive exams. Our mentors help aspirants in defining their study time table and strategy.

Doubt Clearance

Instant solution of doubts is our USP. We have several dedicated groups and communities to help aspirants get their doubts solved in real time.

Progress Tracker

We provide individual progress tracker to every aspirant. It helps the aspirant complete syllabus in defined time frame and builds confidence.

Foundation Support

We provide special basic lectures to beginners. Easy-to-understand explanation of important concepts helps them build a strong base.

1-on-1 Mentor Connect

We connect one-on-one with students who require support from us in their learning. Mentors are always available & ready for support.

Technology Driven

Ours is a highly technology-driven platform that meets all the learning needs of aspirants. It simplifies their experience and helps them clear examinations with ease.

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