The Prayas ePathshala

Exams आसान है !

29 July 2024



Q1. Describe the Parliamentary Committee system’s organisational structure. To what extent have the financial committees contributed to the Indian Parliament’s institutionalisation?

GS II Parliament-related issues


  • By gathering expert perspectives and devoting time to issues of national concern, parliamentary committees are an excellent tool designed to reduce floor time and provide the best possible policy formulation.

Committee Types in Parliamentary Arrangements:

  • Standing Committees: These are long-term groups that are established every year.
  • There are six main categories of standing committees:
  • Committees on Finance
  • Standing Committees for Departments
  • Committees for Inquiry Committees for Scrutiny and Control Committees Concerning the Daily Business of the House Committees for Housekeeping or Services
  • Ad Hoc Committees: These are short-term groups established for specific purposes.
  • “Inquiry Committees” and “Advisory Committees” are the two categories that fall under it.

Parliamentary Institutionalisation and Financial Committees:

Three unique financial committees with different responsibilities exist. These groups are:

  • Estimates Committee: Also known as the Continuous Economy Committee, they evaluate the effectiveness of spending and recommend changes to policy.
  • They check to see if the funds are distributed according to the terms of the policy. They also make recommendations regarding the format in which estimates should be delivered to Parliament.
  • Committee on Public Undertaking: Their main function is to evaluate how well public undertakings are performing. These guarantee the effectiveness and independence of public projects.
  • The Committee doesn’t review or look into daily technical issues; it only serves as an advising body.
  • The Public Accounts Committee (PAC): They look into public spending from both an economic and technical perspective. It examines the Comptroller and Auditor General’s (CAG) report.
  • It checks the executive branch’s financial accountability and closely examines government programmes and initiatives. Take the allotment of 2G spectrum, for instance.
  • In summary
  • Over time, the finance committees have demonstrated their significance for the smooth operation and institutionalisation of the Parliament. The three financial committees support the establishment of fiscal responsibility, accountability, and openness in government financial affairs.

Q2. Globally, the use of electric vehicles is expanding quickly. What are the main advantages of electric vehicles over conventional combustion engine vehicles and how do they help reduce carbon emissions?

GS III  Environmental Conservation


  • Worldwide, there has been a surge in the use of electric vehicles as a result of growing environmental consciousness and more government incentives to guarantee more environmentally friendly transportation options and regulate rising temperatures.

Electric vehicles’ contribution to the reduction of carbon emissions:

  • Because they use less energy and produce less greenhouse gas emissions than conventional cars, EVs are more energy-efficient.
  • They diversify energy baskets by lowering reliance on fossil fuels, especially petrol products.
  • Electricity, which powers EVs, can be produced from greener sources like renewable energy. It lowers the direct emissions of greenhouse gases such as CO2 and carbon monoxide.
  • By lowering carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and other pollutants, the switch from internal combustion engines to electric motors improves air quality and moves us closer to a more environmentally friendly future.

Important advantages of EVs over conventional combustion engine cars:

  • EVs are more affordable than gasoline-powered devices due to their reduced maintenance and fuel costs.
  • When powered by renewable energy sources, they can significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Instant torque from EVs allows for rapid acceleration and a responsive driving experience.
  • Compared to conventional cars, they are quieter, which can reduce noise pollution and create a more relaxing atmosphere.
  • Because EVs often have a lower centre of gravity, they provide more comfortable and better handling.

Way Forward:

  • EVs are superior to conventional cars in many ways, however there are still issues with sustainable electricity production. But with government incentives and technical improvements, EVs may provide a viable way to reduce emissions in the future.

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