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The PM Vishwakarma Scheme, inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 17, 2023, coinciding with Vishwakarma Jayanti, is aimed at supporting traditional artisans and craftspeople commonly known as ‘Vishwakarma.’  This initiative is specially crafted to support and empower traditional artisans and craftspeople. The inauguration ceremony occurred at the India International Convention and Expo Centre, also known as the Yashobhoomi Convention Center, in Dwarka. In this article, you’ll find information about the PM Vishwakarma Scheme, including its benefits, eligibility criteria, and instructions on how to apply.

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What is the  PM Vishwakarma Yojana Scheme

  1. Funding and Budget: The PM Vishwakarma scheme is a newly introduced government initiative, fully funded by the central government, with a substantial budget of Rs 13,000 crore.
  2. Objective: This initiative is specifically designed to address the unique challenges faced by professionals who are actively engaged in traditional crafts and skills. These skills are often handed down through generations within their families.
  3. Beneficiary Groups: The Vishwakarma Shram samman Yojana
    scheme aims to benefit a diverse range of artisans, including carpenters, goldsmiths, masons, laundry workers, barbers, and other individuals who are involved in various traditional crafts and skills.
  4. Coverage Goals: With ambitious goals in mind, the PM Vishwakarma scheme plans to provide support to five lakh families within the initial year of its implementation. It aspires to extend this assistance to an even larger number, reaching up to 30 lakh families over five years.
  5. Integration: Beyond just providing financial support, the scheme also aims to integrate PM Vishwakarma Scheme into both domestic and global value chains, helping them access wider markets and opportunities.
  6. Three pivotal ministries: The PM Vishwakarma Scheme’s administration will involve collaboration among three pivotal ministries:
  • Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MoMSME)
  • (MSDE) Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship
  • Department of Financial Services DFS under the MoF, Government of India.
    The Nodal Ministry responsible for overseeing the PM Vishwakarma Scheme will be MoMSME.

Eligibility: PM Vishwakarma Samman Yojana Scheme

  1. Occupation: Applicants must be artisans or craftspersons actively engaged in one of the specified traditional trades.
  2. Age Requirement: The minimum age for eligibility is 18 years.
  3. Loan History: Individuals should not have availed loans under similar credit-based schemes in the past 5 years, with exceptions for MUDRA &  SVANIDHI beneficiaries who have fully repaid their loans.
  4. One Member per Family: Registration and benefits are restricted to one member per family, ensuring equitable distribution.
  5. Government Employees: Government employees and their family members are not eligible for this scheme.
  6. 18 Different Sector: Families associated with these 18 different sectors will receive support through the PM Vishwakarma Scheme.
    • Carpenters
    • Boat Makers
    • Armourers
    • Blacksmiths
    • Hammer and Tool Kit Makers
    • Locksmiths
    • Goldsmiths
    • Potters
    • Sculptors & stone breakers
    • Cobblers (Shoesmiths/Footwear artisans)
    • Masons (Rajmistri)
    • Basket/Mat/Broom Makers/Coir Weavers
    • Doll & Toy Makers (Traditional)
    • Barbers
    • Garland makers
    • Washermen
    • Tailors
    • Fishing Net Makers

Benefits: PM Vishwakarma Yojana Scheme

  1. Skill Training: PM Vishwakarma Yojana Scheme offers artisans a tailored 6-day training program.
  2. Cost-Free Training: The state covers the full training cost
  3. Recognition and Benefits: The PM Vishwakarma Scheme includes recognition, skill enhancement, toolkit incentives, credit support, digital transaction benefits, and marketing assistance.
  4. Job Creation: The scheme aims to create 15,000 job opportunities annually
  5. Skill Upgradation: This involves skill assessment, basic and advanced training, with a stipend of Rs. 500/- per day during training.
  6. Toolkit Incentive: Beneficiaries receive up to ₹15,000 as a toolkit incentive at the beginning of basic training.
  7. Credit Support: The scheme offers affordable, collateral-free loans for enterprise development. Beneficiaries can access ₹1 lakh (1st tranche) and ₹2 lakh (2nd tranche) at a concessional interest rate of 5%.
  8. Online Application: Applying online simplifies the process.

PM Vishwakarma Scheme Yojana

How to Apply: PM Vishwakarma Scheme

Here’s how you can apply for PM Vishwakarma Yojana Scheme 2023 Online:

  • Registration: Visit the official portal, register with your mobile number and Aadhar Card, and verify your details via OTP.
  • Fill Form: After verification, complete the registration form with your personal and trade-related information, then submit it.
  • Download ID: Download your PM Vishwakarma Shram samman Yojana
    Digital ID and Certificate upon successful registration.
  • Login and Apply: Log in to the portal, apply for scheme components, upload the required documents, and submit your application.
  • Verification and Disbursement: Officials will verify applications and collateral-free loans will be disbursed through banks and financial institutions.

Conclusion: Vishwakarma Shram samman Yojana

In summary, the PM Vishwakarma Scheme offers a promising opportunity for artisans and craftspeople, preserving heritage empowering individuals, and fostering inclusivity.

If you’re preparing for competitive exams or seeking support under this scheme, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to provide guidance, answer your queries, and assist you on your journey. Visit our website and contact us for your competitive exams; together, we can work towards a brighter and more promising future.


All About UPSC CSE Exam Preparation

Exam Notification

UPSC CSE Calendar 2025

  • Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2025 & Indian Forest Service (Preliminary) Examination, 2025 through CS(P) Examination 2025 is scheduled to be held on 25th May 2025 (Sunday).
  • The Civil Services (Mains) Examination 2025 is scheduled to commence from 22nd August 2025.26 May 2024 (Staurday).

Download UPSC CSE Notification 2024: Click here

Exam Pattern

UPSC Syllabus

UPSC Prelims Syllabus

UPSC Mains Syllabus

Previous Papers

YearPrelims-GSPrelims-CSATMains-GS 1Mains-GS 2Mains-GS 3Mains-GS 4Mains-EssayMains-EnglishMains-Hindi

Prelims Previous Years Papers – Subject & Year Wise

PRE SUBJECT201820172016201520142013
Science & Technology201820172016201520142013
Modern India201820172016201520142013
Medieval India201820172016201520142013

Mains Previous Years Papers – Subject & Year Wise

MAINS SUBEJECT201820172016201520142013
Internal Security201820172016201520142013
Ethics – I201820172016201520142013
Ethics – II (Case Studies)201820172016201520142013
Environment and Ecology201820172016201520142013
Disaster Management201820172016201520142013
Ancient History and Art & Culture201820172016201520142013
Agriculture201820172016No Question20142013
Indian Society2018201720162015 20142013

Cut Off Marks

Awards And Achievements

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The Prayas India- Exam आसान है!

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