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UPSC Prelims Syllabus 2024 – Excel in CSE (IAS Exam)

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UPSC Prelims Syllabus

UPSC is a reputed organization. It is responsible for conducting Civil Services Exams. However, CSE is a national level Exam. It is conducted in 3 stages. However, the first stage is Prelims Exam. It is the screening stage in UPSC CSE. However, In this article, we will be covering the Prelims Syllabus for UPSC Exam. The Prelims Syllabus for IAS Exam is sorted and clear. The article covers every subject of Prelims Syllabus for CSE. However, the Prelims Syllabus for Civil Service Exam is declared by UPSC. Best IAS Online Coaching. Top IAS Online Coaching

About UPSC Exams


The UPSC CSE is divided into two parts named, Pre and Mains. A candidate can apply for Mains only if he has cleared the Pre Exam firstly. Secondly, if the Mains Examination is cleared, as a result, the candidate appears for a personality test for the final round. UPSC Prelims Syllabus


The Pre stage consists of 2 papers in a day. Top Online IAS Coaching. The Pre exam is the first qualifying stage of UPSC CSE. If the candidate clears the pre, then he’ll become eligible for the Mains exam .However, In both the papers, the questions are MCQs.

Firstly, Paper1: General Studies 1

The no. of questions are 100. Top Online IAS Coaching. However, the marks allotted are 200. 2 Hours are given to complete the exam. However, there is a negative marking( There is a penalty for wrong answers. i.e., for every answer, 1/3 of the marks will be deducted. )

Second, Paper 2: General Studies 2 (CSAT)

However, The pattern of paper 2 is the same as that of paper 1. Top Online IAS Coaching. Moreover, there is a negative marking in both the papers, so attempt the questions you are sure about.

Mains Examination

In the first place, if the has cleared the cut-off of prelims paper1. Also, if he has secured 33% in paper 2. Top Online IAS Coaching. Then, the candidate will appear for the mains exam afterward. However, The Mains Exam is the second stage of UPSC CSE.

Although the Mains Exam is a written exam. However, The candidates can write it in either English or any other Indian language likewise. Best Online IAS Coaching.  Although, the Indian language must be specifically included in the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution. On the other hand, this stage consists of 9 total papers which are conducted over 5 to 7 days.

Personal Interview

Finally, The Personality Test will be organized. It is likely to be held in March and April. However, the result is expected in May or June. Best Online IAS Coaching. Specifically, The Interview is the final stage of the recruitment process for the Civil Services of India. Also, an interview is conducted by UPSC Board to check the candidate’s suitability for the civil services. Best Online IAS Coaching.  In short, The Interviewers judge the candidate’s mental and social abilities.

In conclusion, the final stage is allotted 275 total marks

As a final point, A Final Merit list is made based on all 3 stages and thus, the candidates are assigned their posts on basis of their ranks.

UPSC CSE Exam Date 2021

The Exam date is June 27. Although, The Exam notification will release on Feb 10. Moreover, the application window will be active till March 12.

However, the UPSC Prelims Syllabus covers two parts

  1. General Studies Paper I
  2. CSAT or General Studies Paper-II
GS Papers
UPSC Prelims Syllabus 2024 - Excel in CSE (IAS Exam) 3

General Studies Paper 1

This is the first part of the Prelims Syllabus for the IAS Exam. However, GS Paper 1 is of 200 marks. 2 hours are allotted to complete this paper. UPSC Prelims Syllabus. However, GS Paper 1 contains various topics and subjects. In detail, the Prelims Syllabus for Civil Service Exam is discussed further.

GS Paper 1 contains the following Topics

Firstly, History of India and Indian National Movement is a part of this paper. Secondly, it covers Indian and World Geography Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World. UPSC Prelims Syllabus. Thirdly, Current events of national and international importance are included. Moreover, we have the following topics in GS Paper 1 :

Firstly, there is Indian Polity and Governance. Constitution, Political System, etc. Secondly, Economic and Social Development is included. UPSC Prelims Syllabus. However General issues on Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity, and Climate Change are also included in the syllabus. Moreover, the most important topic is General Science.

CSAT – General Studies Paper II

The second part of Prelims Syllabus for Civil Service Exam is CSAT. However, the time duration of this exam is same as that of paper I. 200 marks are allotted to this stage. However, the CSAT consists of various different topics. Let’s have a look at them. UPSC Prelims Syllabus

Firstly, Comprehension is the main topic of CSAT. Secondly,
Interpersonal skills including communication skills are tested. Moreover, Logical reasoning and analytical ability are tested. UPSC Prelims Syllabus


UPSC Prelims Syllabus for GS I

GS I consists of subjects like history geography and so on. The first test is knowledge based. UPSC Prelims Syllabus. However, The subtopics are :

Prelims Syllabus for Civil Service Exam
UPSC Prelims Syllabus 2024 - Excel in CSE (IAS Exam) 4

History is a very important Subject in the Prelims Syllabus for IAS Exam. However, it consists of various topics. All the topics covered in History are important for exam. However, there are three main parts of History. Firstly, Ancient History. Secondly, Medieval History.  UPSC Prelims Syllabus, Third, Modern History.

Firstly, The topics covered in Ancient History are :
First, Pre Historic Times
Second, Indus Valley Civilization
Third, Rig Vedic Period
Later Vedic Period
Mauryan Period
Post-Mauryan Period
Gupta Period
Harshwardan Period
Last but not least, Sangam Period
Secondly, The Medieval History

The Medieval history generally means the middle period history. However, it is as important as the Ancient history. Specifically, it contains topics like Delhi Sultanate, Afghans, Mughals, etc. However, the medieval history has huge weightage in CSE.

Thirdly, Modern history

The Modern history refers to the history of late times. However, it is very interesting. UPSC Prelims Syllabus. But, it also has high weightage in CSE. Specifically, Modern History contains topics like British Expansion, Peasant Movements, Revolt of 1857 and so on.


The art and culture is a very interesting subject. However, for some students it might be difficult. UPSC Prelims Syllabus. Specifically, This subject consists of simple topics like Architecture, Sculptures, painting, etc. However, it is easy to score in this subject.

Thirdly, Polity

However, Polity is one of the most important subject in prelims paper. Specifically, UPSC Prelims Syllabus of Polity contains various topics. UPSC Prelims Syllabus. However, the most important topics in polity are Evolution of the Constitution, Union & Its Territory ,Citizenship and Fundamental Rights.

Next is Geography

The Prelims Syllabus for CSE for geography can be divided into more than 8 parts. Firstly, the General Geography. However, the general geography consist of topics like Universe and Earth Evolution. Secondly, Geomorphology. However, it contains topics like Earth’s interior, geology and so on. Thirdly, Oceanography. This part contains all the topics related to Ocean. UPSC Prelims Syllabus. However, next is Climatology. It contains topics related to the climatic changes. Also, we have Human and Economic Geography. Moreover, we have topics from Bio Geography, Indian Geography, Ecology and so on.

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All About UPSC CSE Exam Preparation

Exam Notification

UPSC CSE Calendar 2025

  • Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2025 & Indian Forest Service (Preliminary) Examination, 2025 through CS(P) Examination 2025 is scheduled to be held on 25th May 2025 (Sunday).
  • The Civil Services (Mains) Examination 2025 is scheduled to commence from 22nd August 2025.26 May 2024 (Staurday).

Download UPSC CSE Notification 2024: Click here

Exam Pattern

UPSC Syllabus

UPSC Prelims Syllabus

UPSC Mains Syllabus

Previous Papers

YearPrelims-GSPrelims-CSATMains-GS 1Mains-GS 2Mains-GS 3Mains-GS 4Mains-EssayMains-EnglishMains-Hindi

Prelims Previous Years Papers – Subject & Year Wise

PRE SUBJECT201820172016201520142013
Science & Technology201820172016201520142013
Modern India201820172016201520142013
Medieval India201820172016201520142013

Mains Previous Years Papers – Subject & Year Wise

MAINS SUBEJECT201820172016201520142013
Internal Security201820172016201520142013
Ethics – I201820172016201520142013
Ethics – II (Case Studies)201820172016201520142013
Environment and Ecology201820172016201520142013
Disaster Management201820172016201520142013
Ancient History and Art & Culture201820172016201520142013
Agriculture201820172016No Question20142013
Indian Society2018201720162015 20142013

Cut Off Marks

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