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How to Crack UPSC Exam in First Attempt – Tips for IAS Exam

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We will discuss how to crack UPSC Exam in the first attempt in this article. “How to crack UPSC IAS on the first try?” most applicants wonder. It is a myth that no one ever qualifies in the UPSC Civil Services examination. We’re about to deny that myth.

The IAS UPSC Civil Services exam is divided into 3 phases by the Union Public Service Commission. With each step, the difficulty level rises. There are no specific subjects to learn on the extensive Syllabus. The UPSC test covers a broad range of topics.

  • Prelims is the first phase, which is objective. 
  • Mains is the second phase, which is a written examination.
  • The interview is the third phase, which is a verbal selection procedure.

The exam is known as one of the most difficult in India, yet it is possible to pass it with thorough preparation and dedication. You can visit our website, The Prayas India before we begin. Free Demo Lectures, Free Webinars, Free Counseling, and much more are available here. As a result, don’t forget to click on the provided link.

how to crack upsc

Tips on How to Crack UPSC Exam:

The strategy below can help you How to crack UPSC exam in your first attempt:

  1. Begin at the proper time:
    As the famous phrase goes, “slow and steady wins the race,” and the same is true for UPSC exam preparation. Also, if passing the CSE on the first try is your goal, it is best to begin one year in advance. One year is a significant amount of time to develop a study plan that is convenient and practical to carry out for a full year.
  2. Understand the format of the examination:
    Prelims consist of two papers–

    Paper I (General Studies – I) 200 100
    Paper- II (General Studies – II (CSAT) 200 80
    1. To qualify for the Mains, all aspirants must take both the GS (General Studies)& CSAT tests. In both papers, there is a negative marking of 1/3rd for each incorrect answer.   In the Mains, there are nine papers– 
    Paper A Compulsory Indian Language 300
    Paper B English 300
    Paper- I Essay 250
    Paper- II General Studies- I 250
    Paper- III General Studies- II 250
    Paper- IV General Studies- III 250
    Paper- V  General Studies- IV 250
    Paper- VI Optional- I 250
    Paper- VII Optional- II 250

    Except for the language examinations, Paper A and Paper B, your rank will be determined by your performance in the other papers. As a result, your grade will be out of 1750. Candidates will be asked to write their ans on UPSC-provided answer sheets. There will be no extra sheets given.

    How to crack your UPSC exam, The UPSC Exam Pattern’s interview process is the last and only stage of the UPSC Exam Pattern’s selection process. The interview is worth 275 points, for a total of 2025 points. 

  3. The NCERT Books must be clear:
    Your preliminary paper is objective, whereas your main paper is descriptive. To pass the mains, you must first master the basics.The greatest way to obtain clarity and a clear handle on a subject is to read NCERT books (Class 9 – Class 12). The UPSC does not seek specialized knowledge but rather tests for general knowledge and, more importantly, analytical ability in the Prelims and writing and presentation skills in the Mains.
  4. Make the UPSC Syllabus more clear:
    Most IAS candidate believe that the vastness of the IAS syllabus deters them from putting in the effort required to crack the UPSC IAS exam on the first try. Without a doubt, the Syllabus is extensive, but keep in mind that it is material that you have already learned! Brush up on your prior knowledge to get your IAS vision started on the right foot. Begin by writing down the entire curriculum in points, then breaking it down into sections based on your strengths and weaknesses, and finally creating a study plan.
  5. Make a timetable:
    To crack your UPSC IAS exam, Setting a timetable is the most critical aspect of any exam, as it is with any other. You’ve already won half the battle if you create and stick to a daily study regimen. Make a plan that allows you to devote no more than 8 to 10 hours of your day to IAS preparation. Make sure you stick to your plan once you’ve decided how much time you’ll devote to it each day & what topics you’ll cover. Also, to crack UPSC, don’t skip the personal interview round. It will provide you with a variety of options and ensure that you have enough time to prepare for and take mock examinations. If you still have questions about how to crack UPSC, continue reading. For exams and important notices, you can also go to the official UPSC website.
    How to Crack UPSC
  6. Current Affairs:
    You must read The Hindu every day. Take notes on current affairs throughout your daily newspaper reading. To crack your UPSC in first attempt, You can organize your current events’ notes into categories such as politics, science, literature, and so on. It becomes easy to refer to quickly. In addition to the Hindu, the following publications should be considered: – Yojana
    – Kurukshetra
    – Civil Services Times
    – Down to Earth
    – Science Reporter
  7. Previous Year Papers & Mock Tests:
    Here’s how to crack UPSC in your first attempt. Past year papers should act as a radar for your preparation, guiding and orienting you on the right path. Past year papers aid in the formation of your mental outlook in addition to increasing your information base. Before taking the UPSC exam for the first time, make sure you have completed a sufficient number of practise papers for both the Prelims and Mains. Regular tests will assist you in tracking your progress. You become aware of your flaws and can work to overcome them.
  8. Practice Answer Writing Skills:
    To crack UPSC, Studying the curriculum isn’t the most important thing to do; it’s how you write the exam that counts. What distinguishes one great performance from another is how well you write the answers in three hours, regardless of how much preparation you do ahead of time. As a result, it’s vital to practice essay/answer writing on a frequent basis. You must master the technique of writing a decent essay if you want to crack the UPSC IAS examination on the first attempt.
  9. Follow the Plan:
    You must follow your study plan for the entire year, just as you did on the first day. Many IAS candidates give up in the middle of their preparation and lose their early focus and desire. Regardless of what happens, you’ll end up sticking to your daily schedule exactly as planned. The correct way to approach and follow through on your plan is to set fixed hours every day on a consistent basis. Don’t rely on last-minute preparations to crack UPSC in the first attempt. Analyze the material in advance and create a study schedule that works for you. Above everything, stick to the plan
  10. Revision:
    When organizing your study, make sure you provide time in your timetable for at least two revisions. In the week preceding the exam, both general studies and the CSAT syllabus should be reviewed twice. If you do not prepare for this exam, you will not pass. The preliminary exam is a fact-based paper. It’s easy to lose sight of what you’ve learned after reading a lot of material. To crack your IAS UPSC exam, Always revise using your notes rather than your reference books.

    how to crack upsc

    Bonus Tips– How to Crack UPSC

    1. Tips on how to crack UPSC exam– Make significant use of the internet; the goal is to gather knowledge, whether through books or the internet. Examine the question papers from the previous 5 yrs to get a sense of the range and depth of questions that UPSC often asks.
    2. To pass the aptitude test, one must practice extensively and be familiar with the UPSC CSAT Syllabus. Comprehension, logical reasoning, mental ability, etc are common in aptitude exams. It is critical to maintaining your health at all times. Every night, you should get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Ensure that you do not oversleep at the same time.
    3. A well-balanced diet ensures that the proper foods are consumed in the right amounts. A healthy body equates to a sharp mind. Exercise is beneficial not just to your body but also to your mind, attitude, and mood. You will be able to crack your UPSC exam in this manner.

    How to crack upsc

    Conclusion– How to Crack UPSC

    Finally, we addressed how to crack the UPSC IAS exam in the first attempt in this article. There are also some more important aspects to consider. So take your time and read this information thoroughly. You can find more imp details on our website. The trick is to be consistent & disciplined. Just keep going with your ultimate aim in mind and never give up. If you want to crack UPSC exam on the first try, make sure you plan and execute the appropriate strategy.

    FAQ– How to Crack UPSC

    Can I crack UPSC exam in first attempt?

    According to a reliable source, 42 % of the Top 200 UPSC IAS test candidates in 2014 passed the exam on their first try. Four of the top ten are from the 42 percent. The majority of aspirants believe that passing the UPSC IAS exam in the first try is nearly impossible. However, with the appropriate strategy and plan, you can succeed.

    How to crack UPSC?

    – Understand the UPSC exam pattern and Syllabus. – Make a proper time table for your IAS exam – Read News Paper and follow current affairs – NCERT Books – Choose optional subject wisely – Make notes and Give mock tests – Practice answer writing – Revise everything all the time to crack UPSC

    Is one year sufficient for IAS preparation?

    Yes, 1 year is sufficient for your UPSC IAS preparation. You can ace this exam on your first attempt if you focus on your studies. 

     Editor’s Note | How to Crack UPSC

Finally, in this essay, we discussed how to crack UPSC exam on your first attempt. You can use all of these strategies to crack your UPSC exam, and you’ll be fine. We’ve also answered a few FAQs by IAS aspirants. Also, don’t miss this post on how to crack UPSC exam. Please take care of your health and mental health while studying for the UPSC exam. But don’t be stressed, have bad thoughts, or consider quitting. Trust your own decision. Finally, Best of luck


All About UPSC CSE Exam Preparation

Exam Notification

UPSC CSE Calendar 2025

  • Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2025 & Indian Forest Service (Preliminary) Examination, 2025 through CS(P) Examination 2025 is scheduled to be held on 25th May 2025 (Sunday).
  • The Civil Services (Mains) Examination 2025 is scheduled to commence from 22nd August 2025.26 May 2024 (Staurday).

Download UPSC CSE Notification 2024: Click here

Exam Pattern

UPSC Syllabus

UPSC Prelims Syllabus

UPSC Mains Syllabus

Previous Papers

YearPrelims-GSPrelims-CSATMains-GS 1Mains-GS 2Mains-GS 3Mains-GS 4Mains-EssayMains-EnglishMains-Hindi

Prelims Previous Years Papers – Subject & Year Wise

PRE SUBJECT201820172016201520142013
Science & Technology201820172016201520142013
Modern India201820172016201520142013
Medieval India201820172016201520142013

Mains Previous Years Papers – Subject & Year Wise

MAINS SUBEJECT201820172016201520142013
Internal Security201820172016201520142013
Ethics – I201820172016201520142013
Ethics – II (Case Studies)201820172016201520142013
Environment and Ecology201820172016201520142013
Disaster Management201820172016201520142013
Ancient History and Art & Culture201820172016201520142013
Agriculture201820172016No Question20142013
Indian Society2018201720162015 20142013

Cut Off Marks

Awards And Achievements

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